What do we do?

Focusing on underprivileged school communities, all of our programs are designed to meet the basic needs of children: health, nutrition and education.

Education is one of the most powerful tools for reducing poverty and inequality and lays the foundation for a nation’s growth.

What we have achieved

• We have transformed entire communities through education.

• We contribute to the physical and mental development of hundreds of children.

• We generate economic and emotional peace of mind for parents.

• We empower children’s capabilities in schools.

• We encourage school attendance.

• We guarantee health through access to drinking water.

• We increase the motivation of teachers and educators.

What we have achieved

We have transformed entire communities through education.

Hundreds of children benefit from our holistic development programs.

We generate economic and emotional peace of mind for parents.

We empower children’s capabilities in schools.

We encourage school attendance.

We guarantee health through access to drinking water.

We increase the motivation of teachers and educators.

Learn about the programs we carry out in favor of education.

Help them to have a better future

Donating to IFC means you are investing in creating an opportunity for Venezuelan children to access basic necessities and complete their basic education, so they can have the opportunity to become successful adults and build a better future for their families. We believe that every child deserves a better life.

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